Bart McDonough, a cybersecurity and managed IT strategist, speaks on protecting your organization’s most precious assets: its customer and member information. He shares his expertise on our casual approach to cybersecurity as a culture, its inherent security risks, and our instinctive belief that getting hacked could never happen to us.  

Bart's greatest strength with an audience is taking an intangible and making it tangible. He illustrates how giving shape to an intangible like cybersecurity makes action possible, creates movement, and ultimately establishes needed change. Bart shares best practices for shutting down today’s – and tomorrow’s - most common and dangerous cyber-threats.  

His deep institutional investment knowledge comes from assessing, defining, advocating, and driving the adoption of risk management strategies, controls, and models. He distinguishes the difference between the public cloud and the private cloud and helps define the cloud security risks for each. He demonstrates weaknesses in password protection and asks how wise you are in securing it. As the CEO of Agio, Bart relies on his deep knowledge of both technology and behavioral tendencies to help organizations develop cybersecurity resiliency and keep up with regulatory requirements.

Prior to founding Agio, Bart worked at SAC Capital Advisors, BlueStone Capital Partners, OptiMark Technologies, Sanford Bernstein, and American Express. In early 2019, he launched his debut book, Cyber Smart: Five Habits to Protect Your Family, Money, and Identity from Cyber Criminals. He and his company have been featured in publications such as USA Today, The Los Angeles Times, Buzz Feed News, and Investment News. 

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CEO and Founder of Agio, a Cybersecurity Firm; Contrarian Thought-Provoker
Speech Topics
  • Surviving the Public Cloud: Developing a Strong Cyber Culture
  • As our culture continues to adopt the Public Cloud for its flexibility and ease of use, businesses and consumers alike are searching for methods to better protect where our data lives. From improving poor vendor management and strengthening weak passwords to defending against massive drive-by attacks that exploit holes in your software, Bart McDonough shares best practices for creating a strong cyber culture to shut down todays – and tomorrows - most common and dangerous cyber-threats.  
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<p><b style="font-size: 13px;">CEO and Founder of Agio, a Cybersecurity Firm; Contrarian Thought-Provoker</b></p>
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<p>Bart McDonough, Corporate Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</p>
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