Tammie Jo Shults

<p>Captain Tammie Jo Shults is the widely acclaimed pilot who brought Southwest Flight 1380 in for a successful, heroic emergency landing in Philadelphia in 2018. Captain Shults shares how her entire life of preparation, steady leadership, and faith led her to that crucial moment in the cockpit.</p><p>She captures her extraordinary story in the book, <em>Nerves of Steel: How I Followed My Dreams, Earned My Wings, and Faced My Greatest Challenge</em>.

Brent Gleeson

<p>Brent Gleeson is a Navy SEAL combat veteran with multiple tours to Iraq and Africa and other theaters of war. He has become a successful entrepreneur applying lessons learned on the battlefield and his discipline as a former member of SEAL Team 5 to the world of business and writing. </p>

Alden Mills

<p>Alden Mills is on a mission to help 100 million people Be Unstoppable. With more than 40 years of experience failing and succeeding in a vast array of different environments from sports, military, and business to nonprofits and community action groups, he learned success is driven by one vital factor – leadership – of oneself and others. </p><p>The first person Alden learned to lead was himself. As a weak child with asthma, doctors insisted he limit physical activity and avoid sports.

Mike Abrashoff

<p>Mike Abrashoff recounts his journey transforming the USS Benfold from the worst performing ship in the Navy to the best, and extracts lessons you can use to achieve breakthrough performance. </p><p>When CDR Abrashoff took command of the USS Benfold, the ship&#39;s performance ranked at the bottom of the U.S. Navy’s entire fleet. Determined to improve performance, he focused on what he could change – the ship&#39;s culture.

John Foley

<p>What if the legendary Blue Angels Culture of Excellence could be replicated and scaled?</p><p>Since 2015, John Foley has been recognized as one of the top 10 most in demand speakers.

Carey Lohrenz

<p>Fearless leadership is the key to your team’s ability to reach peak performance – that’s the fundamental truth taught by Carey Lohrenz, the first female F-14 Tomcat fighter pilot. Drawing from her experiences making naval aviation history in the high-pressure environment of a U.S.