Lual Mayen

<p>Lual Mayen is the founder of Junub Games. He has a rich story from growing up as a refugee to becoming a game developer. </p><p>For 22 of his 24 years of life, Mayen lived in a refugee camp in northern Uganda. A few years back, Mayen saw a laptop computer at a registration station for the refugee camp. He told his mother he wanted one. She saved money for three years to get the $300 to buy it for him. He discovered Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and the joy of playing at an internet cafe.

John Bul Dau

<p>Gain a new and humbling perspective of success, adversity, leadership and perseverance as John Bul Dau reveals his story from South Sudanese refugee to prominent human rights advocate and entrepreneur.</p><p>Born in war-torn South Sudan, John was just 13 when he faced starvation, disease and violence as one of 27,000 boys driven from their villages during the country’s brutal civil war in 1987. Bravely leading displaced boys across Sudan for hundreds of miles, he eventually arrived in Kenya, and immigrated to the United States in 2001.