Post-pandemic, much remains unknown. Beyond pragmatic concerns such as whether to return to the workplace, can your organization continue to innovate and do more than merely accommodate future disruptions?  Get ready to wrap your head around the business models, work culture, and labor concerns of the future with futurists, change management and industry experts who will give you the resources and inspiration you need to help your organization flourish going forward.

Samantha Radocchia

<p>Blockchain pioneer, builder, four-time startup entrepreneur at the intersection of emerging technology and cultural trends.</p><p>Samantha Radocchia ("Sam Rad") is a reformed gamer who started studying virtual currencies in 2009 while writing her anthropology thesis on currency exchanges in the virtual world <i>Second Life</i>. Since then, she has founded four companies, holds several patents, and was an early and outspoken voice in blockchain as the co-founder of Chronicled, an enterprise blockchain company focused on supply chains.

Cassandra Worthy

<p>Cassandra Worthy gives business leaders and teams a framework of behavior and tools necessary to grow through change.</p><p>Cassandra Worthy is lighting the world on fire with her refreshingly unique take on not just <i>managing</i> but <i>growing </i>through change.

Claire Haidar

<p>Part chaos, part rocket fuel, Claire Haidar is a technology entrepreneur, student pilot and future thinker about all things human, work and play.</p><p>She believes that work is now a chaotic place. This is good and ultimately positive for humanity, but it’s highly disruptive for the foreseeable future. Chaos theory defined is this: what appears to be chaotic is in fact a complex system, where a lot of micro changes are happening regularly, in a seemingly unpredictable way.</p><p>Work on a global level is adopting these exact characteristics.

Tim Salau

<p>The former Chief Evangelist at WeWork and the founder and CEO of Guide, Tim Salau’s nickname is “Mr. Future of Work.”</p><p>Tim has forged a dynamic career as an innovator, global tech leader and humanitarian. As Chairman, co-founder and CEO of the global lifestyle brand Guide, his mission is to equip every creator with the skills, mindset and opportunities for a fulfilling career.

Anton Gunn

<p>Anton Gunn is a former senior advisor to President Barack Obama and the world&#39;s leading authority on Socially Conscious Leadership. </p><p>He has a Masters degree in Social Work from the University of South Carolina and was a Resident Fellow at Harvard University. He is the author of <em>The Presidential Principles</em> and <em>The Audacity of Leadership</em>. Gunn has been featured in <em>TIME Magazine, Inc.

Elizabeth Lombardo

<p>Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo brings an unparalleled energy to stages around the globe by actively engaging audiences. Her knowledge in cutting-edge research, relatability, storytelling and humor provides entertainment and actionable strategies for attendees to create sustainable change.</p><p>Known as America’s most-trusted celebrity psychologist, Dr.

Suneel Gupta

<p>Suneel Gupta asks audiences, leaders and teams: “How can an organization excel on the outside if its people are exhausted on the inside?”</p><p>As the founding CEO of RISE, a breakthrough wellness company, Suneel Gupta helped thousands of people build better habits for life and work. Now as a bestselling author and Harvard Medical School visiting scholar, Suneel has taken his mission one step further – helping people achieve sustainable peak performance by bolstering emotional resilience and engagement.

Kate O'Neill

<p>Digital transformation expert and pioneer Kate O’Neill shares her “Tech Humanist” enthusiasm for the power of data, automation, AI and human-centric design to help businesses thrive—and improve lives—at scale.</p><p>A warm, relatable tech futurist with 25 years of experience and entrepreneurship in data-based business models, integrated experience strategy and human-centric digital transformation, Kate O’Neill leverages the “positive energy” and “contagious enthusiasm” she is known for to help organizations face the unknown with optimism and make strategic decisions in

Pandit Dasa

<p>Mindful leadership expert, author, and former urban monk Pandit Dasa helps organizations create a mindful work culture—leading to greater workplace happiness, employee engagement and retention, and stronger rapport with customers. </p><p>Pandit Dasa inspires organizations to create a more mindful workplace by encouraging them to lead by example, appreciate the contributions of their colleagues, communicate mindfully and manage one’s emotions.