Jason Chaffetz and John Harwood

<p>In this riveting program, two of the nation’s most esteemed political journalists team up to provide in-depth, behind-the-scenes insight and analysis on the biggest news out of Washington today, including the twists and turns of the 2024 election season and what potential outcomes could mean for American businesses.</p><p>Jason Chaffetz is a Fox News Contributor and former U.S.

Jason Chaffetz

<p>Jason Chaffetz is a contributor for the FOX News Channel and a former Congressman (R-UT), 2008-2017. Jason shares with audiences his intimate knowledge of our Nation’s Capital, offers insight into governing, and examines the United States&#39; most pressing issues.</p><p>Jason was selected by his peers to be a Chairman of the powerful Oversight & Government Reform Committee, where he led investigations into the United States Secret Service, the Department of Education I.T.

Jason Altmire

<p>Jason Altmire literally wrote the book on breaking through polarization in Washington, D.C. A centrist widely respected on both sides of the aisle, he offers a balanced perspective on the current state of American politics. He speaks from experience in advising how your group can make the most of your legislative visit and most effectively influence elected officials. </p><p>During his three terms in the U.S. House of Representatives, Jason Altmire won praise as a centrist known for working with both sides of the aisle.