<p>Traci Brown is the Fraud-Busting Body Language Expert. She&#39;s spent the last 20 years reading people and uncovering secrets hidden in plain sight.</p><p><i>TIME Magazine</i> named her one of the country’s top deception detection experts, and she’s currently ranked the #5 body language expert in the world by GlobalGurus. In her fast-paced, interactive programs that are sure to entertain, Brown teaches the practical techniques of lie, fraud, and identity theft detection she’s used to getting to the truth in billion-dollar business deals, crimes, and politics.</p><p>Brown is the author of <i>How to Detect Lies, Fraud and Identity Theft</i>, executive producer and host of the popular TV series and podcast <i>Truth, Lies, and Coverups</i>.  </p>

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Deception and fraud body language expert; Host of <em>Truth, Lies and Coverups</em> TV show and podcast

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<ul><li><strong>Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire</strong></li><li>“Two Truths and a Lie” is a fun game, except when you don’t know you’re playing it. Win the game with your clients, boss, team and prospects to dramatically improve your bottom line and detect fraud before it happens. Quit second-guessing your instincts and distinguish fact from fiction with Traci’s nine telltale signs that someone is lying. </li><li>Do they really like your proposal? Do they like the job you did? Are they telling you the truth about their budget or their resume? In this fast-paced, fun presentation, you’ll learn how to use the same lie detection and interrogation techniques used by the police and FBI to raise your bottom line by separating the lies from the truth.</li><li><strong>Body Language Confidential</strong></li><li>Traci Brown shares the tactics every secret agent, salesperson and kindergarten teacher should know in an upside-down world. Discover how to read people—in-person or in online meetings—so you can increase sales and find the lies in interviews, sales meetings and negotiations, team meetings and conversations with your kids or spouse. </li></ul>

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<p><span style="color: rgb(68, 68, 68);">Traci Brown, Corporate Speaker, Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</span></p>
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