<p>World-class athlete and best-selling author Kyle Maynard has never considered his physical differences to be a disability, but rather just another obstacle that cannot stop him from realizing his dreams.</p><p>On first sight, Maynard is obviously exceptional. He is a quadruple congenital amputee, which means that his arms end at the elbows, and his legs extend to just past his knees. His adamant refusal to accept the limitations of this condition, however, is what truly sets him apart. Maynard began his life in what he calls the "pursuit of normalcy," but his determination and unrelenting spirit carried him way past that goal to such unlikely places as competitive contact sports, The New York Times best-seller list, and the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro.</p><p>Maynard has been honored with two ESPY Awards (2004 Best Athlete with a Disability and 2012 Best Male Athlete with a Disability) and induction into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame. He has also found great satisfaction using his unique experience to help wounded soldiers adapt their exercise regimens to meet their particular fitness needs. In 2008, Kyle brought one of his oldest and most fervent dreams to life when he built and opened his first fitness center, No Excuses CrossFit.</p><p>The principle that guides Maynard is also the title of his book: No Excuses, and his life is a testament to accepting challenges and exceeding your potential. An inspiring speaker, he encourages people to recognize that some things are impossible--and then do them anyway. It is a powerfully uplifting story that leaves audiences of all ages ready to take on the world.</p>

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Inspirational Athlete and Author of No Excuses

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<ul><li><strong>No Excuses</strong></li><li>Kyle Maynard may look like he has a disability, but he has yet to meet a challenge that he couldn&#39;t conquer. A congenital condition that left him with truncated limbs couldn&#39;t prevent Maynard from excelling as a wrestler, weight lifter, student, motivational speaker, or anything else that he has dreamed of doing. In this uniquely inspiring presentation, Maynard uses examples from his own extraordinary life to illustrate how his "No Excuses" philosophy can help anyone overcome their perceived limitations to exceed their potential and do the impossible.</li></ul>

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Inspirational Athlete and Author of "No Excuses"
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Kyle Maynard, Inspirational Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau
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