<p>Jennifer Thompson is the Founder and President of Healing Justice, which aims to address the collateral human damage of wrongful convictions to all involved. Jennifer founded Healing Justice based on her experience with a failed criminal justice process that sent an innocent person to prison and left the true perpetrator free to commit additional crimes. </p><p>Jennifer’s ordeal with the criminal justice system began in 1984, when she survived a brutal attack as a college student in North Carolina. In 1995, DNA testing led to identification of her attacker and also proved the innocence of Ronald Cotton, who spent 11 years in prison after being wrongly convicted of the crime. Together they co-authored a joint memoir, <i>Picking Cotton</i>, a <i>New York Times</i> bestseller, which recounts their journeys and the tragedy that brought them together.</p><p>Jennifer is a nationally-known advocate for criminal justice reform, focusing on the human impact of wrongful convictions, the fallibility of eyewitness testimony, the need to combat sexual violence, and the healing power of forgiveness. She has testified before numerous legislatures, presented before hundreds of audiences, and appeared in both local and national media. Jennifer currently serves on North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission.</p>

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Inspirational Crime Survivor, Founder of Healing Justice, and <em>New York Times</em> Best-Selling Author of <em>Picking Cotton</em>

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<ul><li><strong>Picking Cotton</strong></li><li>With a story that is both heartbreaking and uplifting, Jennifer Thompson touches the hearts of audiences nationwide. By examining choices, consequences and ultimately, forgiveness, she demonstrates the true nature of the human spirit and shows how one person can make a difference. Thompson&#39;s story is one of overcoming adversity, personal resilience and learning to live again. She serves as an example that we are all capable of change, no matter how dire the circumstances. Audiences of all types benefit from her powerful message and learn how to think differently in order to achieve improbable outcomes.</li></ul>

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<p><b>Inspirational Crime Survivor, Founder of Healing Justice, and <i>New York Times B</i>est-Selling Author of <i>Picking Cotton</i></b></p>
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<p>Jennifer Thompson, Corporate Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</p>
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