<p>Whether he is emceeing, entertaining, or dispensing motivation, Greg Schwem knows how to make corporate audiences laugh – all the way to the top. </p><p>Dubbed "Your boss&#39;s favorite comedian" by <em>HuffPost</em>, dozens of associations and corporations, from Microsoft to McDonald’s, turn to Greg for laughs as one of the top business humorists in the business. A award winning columnist for the <em>Chicago Tribune</em> syndicate, he is also the author of two Amazon.com best-sellers, including <em>The Road to Success Goes Through the Salad Bar</em>.</p><p>Speaking live or virtually, Greg shares his hilarious, relatable observations on technology and the business environment, including the gig economy, home schooling, strange job titles and the craziness brought about by the pandemic. Combining clean, HR-approved humor with lightning-fast improv skills and PowerPoint support, he takes audiences on comical tours of the office environment – based on actual research of their workplace – and injects a healthy dose of humor back into corporate America.</p>

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Business Humorist, Corporate Emcee, and Syndicated Humor Columnist

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<ul><li><strong>Remove a Tumor, Find the Humor</strong></li><li>In January 2024, while in the midst of a late in life divorce, corporate comedian and business humor speaker Greg Schwem was diagnosed with a malignant tumor lying flat on his colon. (Divorce and cancer in one year. Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?) Facing an uncertain outcome, Schwem was forced to adopt what he had been preaching to corporate clients such as Microsoft, Oracle and AT&T for years: Locate humor in the unfunniest of situations, during times when everything seems hopeless. With a laptop propped up on hospital pillows, Schwem began writing…and writing…and writing. The result was Remove a Tumor, Find the Humor, a hilarious, multimedia-fueled presentation that talks candidly, and comedically, about how triumphing over personal struggles, business challenges, or both, is so much easier when laughter plays a role.</li><li><strong>Work, Laugh, Repeat</strong></li><li>Perfect for any group that needs a humorous break from the serious side of business. Despite its therapeutic qualities, laughter is often absent from the business environment. Greg shows it is possible to laugh at work and about work, via a clean and heavily customized presentation. </li><li><strong>If Laughter is Healthy, Why Aren&#39;t We All OK?</strong></li><li>An educational breakout or an addition to one of Greg&#39;s other topics, this keynote challenges audiences to see why the positive and therapeutic benefits of workplace humor far outweigh the negative ramifications. As one HR executive said, "I realize now we need to lighten up."</li><li><strong>Rock, Roll and Laugh Your Way to the Top</strong></li><li>A LOUD presentation featuring live music footage from all genres that shows how companies can learn how to succeed from today&#39;s biggest music stars. Learn why "Every Office Needs a Keith Richards"</li><li><strong>Host/Emcee</strong></li><li>Whether hosting an awards ceremony, interviewing executives on stage or just keeping attendees energized and off their phones, let Greg be the "face" of your next event...and do it with humor</li></ul>

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<p><b>The corporate standup comedian and award-winning, nationally syndicated humor columnist shares his uproarious take on the 21st century workplace, customized to your office environment.</b></p>
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Greg Schwem, Business Speaker, Comedian, Emcee, Keppler Speakers Bureau
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