FC FreakyClown and Dr. Jessica Barker

Appearing together in a unique presentation, ethical hacker and social engineer “Freakyclown” FC and cybersecurity humanist Dr. Jessica Barker provide brilliant cybersecurity insights and strategies drawn from their particular areas of expertise.

As an ethical hacker for the last three decades, FC (a.k.a. Freakyclown) has helped thousands of banks, governments and other organizations advance their security. In his witty and edgy style, he demonstrates the “hacker’s perspective” for live audiences, taking them on a roller coaster ride through the security issues, both physical and digital, that have enabled him to compromise the world’s largest banks and organizations.

In the same program, award-winning cybersecurity leader Dr. Jessica Barker explores the psychology, neuroscience and sociology of scams, using real-world examples to help audiences understand human vulnerabilities and how cybercriminals use emotional bait in order to make us click before we think. 

First Name
FC FreakyClown and Dr. Jessica Barker
Siebel ID
Renowned cybersecurity experts—and husband and wife team—FC (a.k.a. “Freakyclown”) and Dr. Jessica Barker appear together in a unique program to help audiences better understand and protect themselves against cybercrime.
Speech Topics
  • Joint Presentation Between Freakyclown and Dr. Jessica Barker: How a Hack Works
  • Year after year, attacks like phishing and ransomware keep on growing and advancing. In this session, FC and Dr. Jessica Barker discuss and demonstrate the who, how and why of social engineering. They cover how phishing attacks work, the human factors behind them and what we can do to mitigate against them. Including a demonstration of a spear-phishing email attack (from the attacker and victim side), this session demystifies cyber insecurity and tackles both the human and technical elements at play. They also explore what ransomware is, how it is spread and what individuals and organizations can do to protect themselves from it. Including a demonstration of a ransomware attack, this session enables participants to understand one of the biggest current cybersecurity threats and what they can do immediately to safeguard data against cybercriminals.
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<p>FC (Freakyclown) and Dr. Jessica Barker, Cybersecurity Speakers, Keppler Speakers Bureau</p>
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