<p>David Baldacci enthralls as he brings stories from the page to the stage, with insight into his celebrated career as a best-selling novelist and his passion and advocacy for literacy. </p><p>David Baldacci is a global #1 bestselling author and one of the world’s favorite storytellers. His books are published in over 45 languages and in more than 80 countries, with 150 million copies sold worldwide. His works have been adapted for both feature film and television. </p><p>Fervently committed to combating illiteracy, David is the co-founder, along with his wife, of the Wish You Well Foundation®, which fosters and promotes the development and expansion of family literacy programs. </p><p>Drawing on his experiences in law, publishing, philanthropy and fatherhood, David reflects on the twists and turns of his life as a corporate lawyer turned storyteller.</p>

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Best-selling novelist and founder of Wish You Well Foundation

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<ul><li><strong>Life Between the Pages</strong></li><li>In this presentation, David Baldacci discusses his life as a best-selling novelist, talks about the writer’s routine, and shares humorous stories from the road.</li><li><strong>Why Read?</strong></li><li>Along with his wife Michelle, David Baldacci established the Wish You Well Foundation to support literacy efforts across the United States. He serves as a tireless advocate for literacy and elegantly speaks to the essential and critical call to eradicate illiteracy.</li></ul>

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<p><b>One of the world’s most celebrated storytellers, this trial lawyer turned best-selling novelist and literacy advocate shares an intimate look at the life of a writer and his passion for his work.</b></p>
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David Baldacci, Inspirational Speaker, Best-selling Author, Keppler Speakers Bureau
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