Alan Beaulieu

<p>For more than twenty years, Alan Beaulieu has been consulting and advising companies throughout the US, Europe, and Japan on how to thrive through the business cycle. As a senior analyst, economist, and President of the Institute for Trend Research (ITR), Beaulieu has become one of the most highly trusted, sought-after business speakers and consultants in the world. He delivers economic forecasts with 96% accuracy so companies can capitalize on market opportunities and improve prosperity both in the near and long-term.</p><p>His unparalleled economic research and forecasting expertise is well-known throughout the world of economics. Beaulieu and ITR are frequently a source of insight to the major media, including <i>The Wall Street Journal</i>, <i>New York Times</i>,<i> Businessweek</i>, <i>USA Today</i>, CBS Radio and numerous other outlets.</p><p>A contributing editor for Industry Week, he is also the Senior Economic Advisor to the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors and Chief Economist for Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Distributors International. He co-authored the book <i>Make Your Move: Change the Way You Look At Your Business and Increase Your Bottom Line</i>, and he has written a number of articles assessing the economy&#39;s future.</p><p>Audiences find Beaulieu&#39;s ability to clearly communicate how to read the global economic landscape and apply those learnings in ways that enable improved profits and performance indispensable. Based on research and institutional knowledge, his unique ability to pinpoint where market opportunities lie as well as his actionable strategies and practical solutions are a much-needed source of optimism in a time of recovery.</p>

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International economic analyst and president of the Institute for Trend Research

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<ul><li><b><Strong>Better Days Ahead</strong></b></li><li>2017 provided a few scares, but 2018 should see increased levels of demand across a broad swath of industries, once we turn the corner. There are a lot of negatives in the world and we will discuss them, but we will also discuss the positive economic realities, too. Attendees should leave with a solid, positive outlook for their future. Beaulieu will address the following:</li></ul><p>- What is happening in China? Are they melting down and what does that mean for us?</p><p>- Will consumers keep spending?</p><p>- When will business-to-business activity move into recovery?</p><p>- What is the outlook for some of our top markets?</p><p>- When will interest rates start to rise?</p><p>- Will those forecasts directly impact your company?</p>

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<p><b>International economic analyst and president of the Institute for Trend Research</b></p>
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Alan Beaulieu, Business Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau
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