Anika Collier Navaroli

<p>Anika Collier Navaroli is currently a Race & Technology practitioner fellow at Stanford University, where she studies the impact of speech regulation on Black content moderators and policy enforcers. In 2022, Anika gave evidence about her work at Twitter to the U.S. Congressional Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S.

Monica Lewinsky

<p>As a social activist, Monica Lewinsky’s passion is to advocate for a safer social media environment. As a public speaker, writer, producer and contributor to Vanity Fair she addresses such topics as survival, resilience, digital reputation and equality.  </p><p>Lewinsky became known to the public in 1998, when it was revealed as part of a federal investigation that she had had an intimate relationship with then President Bill Clinton.

Kenyette Tisha Barnes

Kenyette Tisha Barnes is a political strategist, lobbyist, public speaker, trainer, mother and CEO of Nia Vizyon, LLC, a social justice, consulting and political strategy lobbying firm; and the National Co-Founder of #MuteRKelly.  

As a political strategist, lobbyist, and National Co-Founder of #MuteRKelly, Barnes is also known as the “Legislative Empress,” best known for her work with the Georgia General Assembly. Her legislative work includes lobbying for HIV advocacy, anti-human trafficking, domestic violence, post-partum depression, special education and voter’s rights.

April Reign

<p>As the creator of the viral hashtag-turned-movement, #OscarsSoWhite , April Reign has been challenging the lack of representation of marginalized communities in Hollywood and beyond since 2015. </p><p>April practiced law for nearly twenty years, honing her talent for public speaking, persuasive writing and effecting policy change, but it wasn’t until she walked away from her legal practice that she found her true passion.

Jeffrey Ma

<p>As one of the leaders of the infamous MIT Blackjack team​, ​Jeff Ma was the inspiration for the main character in the best-selling book <em>​Bringing Down the House</em> and the hit movie,<em> ​21</em>. ​</p><p>In addition, he has helped start four different companies including (sold to Demand Media), CircleLending (sold to Virgin), Citizen Sports (sold to Yahoo) and tenXer (acquired by Twitter).

Beverly Gooden

<p>In the wake of high-profile domestic violence incidents, Beverly Gooden created the viral hashtag #WhyIStayed and sparked a national conversation about how society views victims and why we all have a role to play in breaking the culture of silence that perpetuates abuse.</p><p>Beverly Gooden breaks down the myths and misunderstandings around domestic violence to illuminate the complex reasons why victims stay in abusive relationships and what you can do to help. As the “Me Too” movement has shown, what our society considers acceptable can be changed by the work of many