Safi Bahcall

<p>Why do good teams kill great ideas? Safi Bahcall reveals a surprising new way of thinking about group behavior that challenges everything we thought we knew about nurturing radical breakthroughs and innovative organizations. </p><p>Safi Bahcall is a former public-company CEO, a physicist and an award-winning biotech entrepreneur.

Michio Kaku

<p>Dr. Michio Kaku is an internationally recognized authority on theoretical physics and the environment and is co-founder of String Field Theory. Dr. Kaku’s engaging speaking style makes him one of the world’s foremost STEM advocates and science popularizers.</p>

<p>A renowned science expert, Dr. Kaku speaks passionately about topics ranging from teleportation, telepathy, and global climate change to alternative energy, psychokinesis, perpetual motion machines, and a binary star located 8,000 light years away.</p>