Delve into the worlds of science, technology, engineering, and math as our STEM Speakers uncover new possibilities. By sharing tales of invention, experimentation and achievement, they inspire the next generation of STEM leaders.

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Adam Steltzner

<p>Described as a cross between “Einstein and Elvis Costello,” Adam Steltzner is a leader heralded for making the impossible possible. And he wants to know “How great do YOU dare to become?”</p><p>An aspiring rock star turned Ph.D.

Freeman A. Hrabowski, III

<p>Freeman A. Hrabowski, III -- a charismatic leader who was jailed for almost a week as a 12-year-old in the fight for civil rights in the early-&#39;60s Alabama -- has spent two decades as the president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) striving to channel minorities toward grad school. His research and publications focus on science and math education with special emphasis on minority participation and performance.

Spencer Wells

<p>Spencer Wells is a geneticist, anthropologist, author and entrepreneur. For over a decade he was an Explorer-in-Residence at the National Geographic Society and Director of the Genographic Project, which collected and analyzed DNA samples from hundreds of thousands of people around the world in order to decipher how our ancestors populated the planet, in the process launching the consumer genomics industry.</p><p>Wells graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Texas at Austin, received his Ph.D.

Michio Kaku

<p>Dr. Michio Kaku is an internationally recognized authority on theoretical physics and the environment and is co-founder of String Field Theory. Dr. Kaku’s engaging speaking style makes him one of the world’s foremost STEM advocates and science popularizers.</p>

<p>A renowned science expert, Dr. Kaku speaks passionately about topics ranging from teleportation, telepathy, and global climate change to alternative energy, psychokinesis, perpetual motion machines, and a binary star located 8,000 light years away.</p>