Gain valuable takeaways from these safety keynote speakers at your next conference or safety-related event. Find tips and blueprints on everything from crisis management to disaster preparation.

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Safety and Crisis Management
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Safety and Crisis Management

First Sergeant Matt Eversmann (Ret.)

<p>A true American hero, First Sergeant Matt Eversmann illustrates the importance of duty, courage and selfless service to succeed when ordinary circumstances become extraordinary challenges. </p><p>On October 3, 1993, Matt was placed in charge of a group of Army Rangers to lead a daytime raid against an eager enemy militia. Matt experienced the horrors of war when he and his fellow soldiers were trapped in a hostile district of Mogadishu and marked for death by an angry mob.

Mike Abrashoff

<p>Mike Abrashoff recounts his journey transforming the USS Benfold from the worst performing ship in the Navy to the best, and extracts lessons you can use to achieve breakthrough performance. </p><p>When CDR Abrashoff took command of the USS Benfold, the ship&#39;s performance ranked at the bottom of the U.S. Navy’s entire fleet. Determined to improve performance, he focused on what he could change – the ship&#39;s culture.

Cathy Lanier

Cathy Lanier, the former chief of police for Washington, DC shares her inspiring life story – and how she overcame the odds to restore an embattled police department and community.

Despite her rocky start as a 15-year-old mother and ninth-grade dropout, Lanier advanced through the ranks to become the first female chief of the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Colombia (MPDC). She shares her insights on revamping the work culture in her department. Her method: a razor-sharp focus on responsiveness, communications, and trust.