NPR, PBS & Public Broadcasting (U - Media)

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NPR, PBS & Public Broadcasting

Jay Smooth

<p>Jay Smooth enlightens with poignant observations about music, race, politics and other important cultural and social issues, while promoting the importance of mutual respect.</p><p>As the former host of <i>The Underground Railroad</i>, New York City’s longest-running hip-hop radio program and the popular video blog, <i>The Ill Doctrine</i>, Jay has established himself as a unique and leading voice at the nexus of sociopolitical issues who brings a singular perspective on society and culture.</p><p>Through thoughtful examination, Jay m

Rachel Martin

NPR Morning Edition host, Rachel Martin, has an extensive journalistic background. She served as the White House Correspondent for ABC News from 2008 through 2010 when she became National Security Correspondent for NPR.