Nadya Okamoto

<p>Nadya Okamoto is the Founder and Executive Director of PERIOD (, an organization she founded at the age of 16. PERIOD is now the largest youth-run NGO in women’s health, and one of the fastest growing ones here in the United States.</p><p>Since 2014, PERIOD has addressed over 900,000 periods and registered over 600 campus chapters in all 50 states and 30 other countries. In 2017, Nadya ran for office in Cambridge, MA. While she did not win, her campaign team made historic waves in mobilizing young people on the ground and at polls.

Indu Subaiya

<p>Indu Subaiya is the visionary co-founder and former CEO of Health 2.0, the hottest global conference platform and community for showcasing and advancing new healthcare technologies. Indu specializes in building community, creating dialogue, and inspiring audiences and health entrepreneurs to radically rethink how health shapes our lives. </p><p>In her speeches, Indu capitalizes on her unique position to highlight the intersection of technology, design, and activism.

Secretary Tom Price & Former Senator Tom Daschle

<p>It’s no secret that America is split by a partisan divide- one which can be summarized by left vs right. In the polarizing political environment of today, one of the most pressing and hot-button issues is that of healthcare reform. Unfortunately, the discourse of policy-makers on the matter is often infected with partisan and tribal approaches, which make it difficult to productively discuss and progress on the matter. </p><p>In this lively discussion, former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle and former Secretary of Health and Human Services Dr.

Secretary Tom Price

<p>Appointed the 23rd Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) by President Trump, Dr. Tom Price served at the forefront of health care policy and is a leading expert on the U.S. health care system. As the nation faces the new challenges ushered in by COVID-19, Dr. Price’s voice has been sought after in the media for his take on this unprecedented pandemic.

Michael J. Fox

<p>Born in Canada, Michael J. Fox is an award-winning television and film actor whose enduring career as a performer has made him an icon to countless fans around the globe. In 1991, at age 29, he was diagnosed with Parkinson&#39;s disease, news he shared with the public in 1998. In 2000, to help advance scientific progress toward a cure for Parkinson&#39;s disease, he established The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson&#39;s Research.</p>

Joseph Piscatella

<p>Joe Piscatella is one of the nation&#39;s foremost authorities on the link between lifestyle habits and cardiac health, and one of the longest-lived survivors of cardiac bypass surgery in the country. In his motivational seminars, which have been called "a force for positive change" by <em>TIME</em> magazine, he teaches how to live a healthier, better-balanced life in our stressful modern society.</p><p>At 32 years old, Joe Piscatella was a successful businessman with a new home and two young children--a bright future lie ahead of him.

John Replogle

<p>As a current Partner at One Better Ventures and the former CEO of Seventh Generation, John Replogle continues spreading sustainable business practices around the globe. A proven visionary, he helped to make Seventh Generation -- the leading brand of green cleaners, recycled toilet paper, and paper towels -- more stylish and innovative while beating the competition.</p><p>Replogle is also the former head of Burt&#39;s Bees, North America&#39;s #1 producer of natural personal care products, and he led the company&#39;s deepened commitment to human and environm