
Felipe Luciano

<p>A two-time Emmy Award-winner for his reporting, Felipe Luciano was America&#39;s first Puerto Rican television anchor. He is the founder and chairman of the Young Lords Party, a member of The Original Last Poets, an advocate for inter-ethnic communication, and the host of "Street Talk".</p><p>A talented diversity speaker, Felipe Luciano is committed to community empowerment, ethnic pride, and civil rights. This commitment was pivotal to changing the color and complexion of politics, culture, and society in New York City.

Helen Zia

<p>Diversity speaker Helen Zia is an award-winning journalist and a contributing editor to <em>Ms.</em> magazine, where she was formerly executive editor. Her articles, essays, and reviews have appeared in many newspapers and magazines. She has contributed essays to several anthologies, and was executive editor of the book, "Notable Asian-Americans".

Nina Godiwalla

<p>Women have historically faced massive hurdles when aiming for the C-Suite. Some of those obstacles are deeply ingrained, while others could be easily overcome if the right set of tools were in place, a fact Nina Godiwalla knows all too well. She entered Wall Street as an outsider -- a woman and Indian American -- and left enlightened on how minorities can thrive in a male-dominated corporate culture.</p>

Payton Head

<p>A rising community leader, Payton Head is invested in developing institutional cultures that are grounded in equity. He empowers students and campus administrators to fight hatred with radical love for others and themselves.</p><p>Following the events in Ferguson, he spearheaded conversations about improving race relations in the state of Missouri. Head’s viral Facebook post detailing his experience with fighting systemic injustice at Mizzou ignited the student body to fight for a more inclusive campus and be a change agent in higher education.