Diversity & Inclusion (U)

Geena Rocero

<p>Trans Rights Advocate Geena Rocero, born and raised in Manila, Philippines, is a model, producer, co-host of the TV Show <em>ASPIREist</em> (broadcast on CNN), and the author of memoir <em>Horse Barbie</em>, “a moving chronicle of trans resilience and joy” (<em>Vogue</em>).</p><p>On March 31, 2014, in honor of International Transgender Day of Visibility, Rocero came out as transgender at the annual (main stage) TED Conference, her viral talk has since been viewed more than 4 million times and translated in 32 languages.

Janaya Khan

With a timely message about the transformational power of protest, Janaya Khan is a leading activist who engages you in a profound discussion about social justice and equality.

Known as ‘Future’ within the Black Lives Matter movement, Janaya is a black, queer, gender-nonconforming activist (pronouns: they, them, theirs), staunch Afrofuturist and social-justice educator who presents an enlightening point of view on police brutality and systemic racism.

Alicia Garza

<p>Alicia believes that Black communities deserve what all communities deserve -- to be powerful in every aspect of their lives.</p><p>An author, political strategist, organizer, and cheeseburger enthusiast, Alicia founded the Black Futures Lab to make Black communities powerful in politics.

Payton Head

<p>A rising community leader, Payton Head is invested in developing institutional cultures that are grounded in equity. He empowers students and campus administrators to fight hatred with radical love for others and themselves.</p><p>Following the events in Ferguson, he spearheaded conversations about improving race relations in the state of Missouri. Head’s viral Facebook post detailing his experience with fighting systemic injustice at Mizzou ignited the student body to fight for a more inclusive campus and be a change agent in higher education.

Nyle DiMarco

<p>Nyle DiMarco, winner of <em>Dancing with the Stars</em> and <em>America’s Next Top Model</em>, empowers audiences to believe they can do and be anything they want in life, no matter the obstacle.</p><p>He won the mirror ball trophy on ABC’s <em>Dancing with the Stars</em> (season 22) and was the last model standing on The CW’s <em>America’s Next Top Model</em> (cycle 22), now Nyle is winning over audiences as an influential leader and ambassador for the deaf community.