Dr. Margie Warrell

<p>Sharing her dynamic blend of research-backed insights, practical strategies, and authentic storytelling, Dr. Margie Warrell encourages audiences to step out of their comfort zones, embrace change, and lead with courage.</p><p>Dr. Margie Warrell is a catalyst for transformation and courageous leadership.

Jessica Watson

<p>An inspiring story that ultimately proves that we all have the power to live our dreams – no matter how small or big they are, Jessica Watson became the youngest person to sail solo non-stop and unassisted around the world.  </p><p>Defying criticism from those who said her task was destined to fail, after 210 days at sea navigating some of the world’s most challenging stretches of oceans and surviving seven knockdowns, Jessica sailed back into Sydney Harbour on 15 May, 2010. </p><p>As she docked at the Sydney Opera House, the country wept with pride.

Travis Mills

<p>Travis Mills’ keynote speech teaches and inspires audiences nationwide to “Never give up. Never quit.” no matter the obstacles or circumstances. Mills’ larger-than-life personality, sense of humor and incredible spirit for life engages audiences from the moment he takes center stage.</p><p>On April 10, 2012, United States Army Staff Sergeant Travis Mills of the 82nd Airborne was critically injured on his third tour of duty in Afghanistan by an IED (improvised explosive device) while on patrol, losing portions of both legs and both arms.

John Volanthen

<p>In July of 2018, the world held its breath while British cave diver John Volanthen and his partner raced against time to find the 12-boy soccer team and coach trapped for 10 days in Thailand’s Tham Luang Cave.</p><p>With a passion for cave exploration that began in scouts at the age of 14, Volanthen went on to set world records in cave diving and to acquire an extremely rare level of expertise and skill.

Captain Jim Lovell

<p>NASA astronaut Captain Jim Lovell delivers an exhilarating firsthand account of one of the most famous and harrowing ordeals in space-program history, while sharing the leadership skills necessary to make any mission successful.</p><p>As leader of the Apollo 13 mission, Captain Jim Lovell uttered the famous phrase “Houston, we have a problem,” after an oxygen tank exploded inside the spacecraft. Under Capt. Lovell’s leadership, the crew returned safely to earth.</p><p>For his courageous spirit, Capt.

Linda Greenlaw

<p>Linda Greenlaw illustrates her approach to effective leadership amid volatility and the critical importance of preparation and extreme risk-taking in any setting.</p>

<p>Linda’s incomparable skill as a fishing-boat captain was first documented in Sebastian Junger’s <i>The Perfect Storm</i>, the best-selling book-turned-blockbuster movie that exposed the hazards faced by deep-sea commercial fishers.</p>

Richard Picciotto

<p>Chief Richard Picciotto delivers a gripping, firsthand account of the day that altered history, underscoring the significance of courage, preparation and effective leadership when confronted with enormous adversity.</p><p>The FDNY battalion commander in lower Manhattan when it was the target of terrorist attacks on 9/11, Richard and his fellow firefighters selflessly rushed inside the World Trade Center towers to rescue those trapped inside.

First Sergeant Matt Eversmann (Ret.)

<p>A true American hero, First Sergeant Matt Eversmann illustrates the importance of duty, courage and selfless service to succeed when ordinary circumstances become extraordinary challenges. </p><p>On October 3, 1993, Matt was placed in charge of a group of Army Rangers to lead a daytime raid against an eager enemy militia. Matt experienced the horrors of war when he and his fellow soldiers were trapped in a hostile district of Mogadishu and marked for death by an angry mob.

Kris Paronto

<p>Kris Paronto offers a firsthand account of what really happened on the ground during the 2012 Benghazi attack, coupled with insights on what America and the world can learn from that day.</p><p>Kris, or “Tanto,” as he is known in security contracting circles, is a former Army Ranger from the 2nd Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment and private security contractor. He also worked with the U.S.