Black History Month

Celebrate the legacy, courage and vision of Black leaders during February and all year long with these inspiring Black History Month speakers.

Host one of these renowned thought leaders, Civil Rights activists, influencers and C-Suite changemakers to amplify Black voices that empower organizations to engage in meaningful conversations and create a more inclusive and understanding community.

Benjamin Jealous

<p><strong>Renowned activist, civil rights leader, community organizer and politician Benjamin Jealous outlines what it will take to secure true equality for all Americans and to empower the next generation to lead toward a better future.</strong></p><p>With a background in social justice advocacy, Ben brings a unique perspective to his role as Executive Director at the Sierra Club, focusing on issues of environmental justice, climate change, and conservation.

Payton Head

<p>A rising community leader, Payton Head is invested in developing institutional cultures that are grounded in equity. He empowers students and campus administrators to fight hatred with radical love for others and themselves.</p><p>Following the events in Ferguson, he spearheaded conversations about improving race relations in the state of Missouri. Head’s viral Facebook post detailing his experience with fighting systemic injustice at Mizzou ignited the student body to fight for a more inclusive campus and be a change agent in higher education.