<p>Major General Brett Williams expertly transforms the technical world of cybersecurity into relevant, straightforward strategies and solutions that can be effectively implemented by any business.</p><p>After 33 years of distinguished leadership experience in the Air Force, General Williams has since built a successful career in the private sector as co-founder and Chief Operating Officer at IronNet Cybersecurity, which provides cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions to firms of all sizes and industries.</p><p>Previously, General Williams served as director of operations at U.S. Cyber Command, leading a team of more than 400 people responsible for the global operations and defense of DOD networks. Prior to that, as director of communications for U.S. Pacific Command, he developed an operational approach to cybersecurity that would eventually be adopted as the guiding construct for more than 6,000 cybersecurity personnel assigned throughout the DOD.</p><p>With a knack for breaking down arcane cyber jargon and translating it into the language of business, General Williams helps audiences understand and then integrate cybersecurity solutions operationally. As one of the world’s top cybersecurity thought leaders, his unique insights enable audiences of all levels, from the board and CEO down to the technical specialists, to defeat complex cyber threats and safeguard networks.</p>

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Williams, USAF (Ret.)
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Former Director of Operations, US Cyber Command. Co-founder IronNet Cybersecurity

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>The threat is real…it’s time to act!</strong></li><li> Most audiences today are well-aware of the cyber-threat. What they need is clear, practical steps they can take to proactively stop the attack. Every experience Brett delivers is customized for the audience and he prepares them to take action. Key themes include the nature of the threat--from criminals to nation-states, and how they will attack your company. Current data on the costs of a breach from data recovery to reputation damage and liability exposure. A clear explanation of current cyber defenses and why they fail. The role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in helping to defeat today’s sophisticated attacker. And every presentation includes a checklist of action items, so the audience walks away with a clear plan of attack.</li><li><strong>Defending the Nation in Cyberspace</strong></li><li> No More Away Games! Cyberspace is now the domain of choice for America’s adversaries. That means no more away games—we have to be prepared to defend the Nation and corporate America will be on the front lines. Information sharing, public-private sector collaboration and a collective security approach will all be critical to success. The question is how to bring it all together to Defend the Nation.</li></ul><p><br></p>

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This cybersecurity expert and Air Force veteran delivers a lively, strategy-packed presentation that is guaranteed to increase the “cyber IQ” of any audience.
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Major General Brett Williams, USAF (Ret.), Business Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau
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