<p>Long known as a speaker who inspires with narratives that demonstrate the power of one, Kerry Kennedy addresses sustainable investments, social change, and the capacity of the human spirit to thrive despite overwhelming obstacles.  </p>

<p>Kennedy Founded RFK Compass, a bi-annual series of conferences attended by 150 of the world’s leading investors who collectively control $7 trillion in assets under management. Kennedy is a leading voice for sustainable investing, and one of the world’s foremost experts in linking environmental, social, and governance factors when considering risk-adjusted returns. She stands at the forefront of helping businesses balance corporate responsibility with societal responsibility. Kennedy enjoys bipartisan support on her many endeavors and fosters productive conversation to jointly benefit society and engage the business and investment communities.</p>

<p>In addition to her corporate work, Kennedy partners with the bravest people on earth—women and men who face grave risk in order to protect basic rights and promote justice and preserve the rule of law in the United States and around the world. Under her auspices, RFK Human Rights undertakes cases against governments for abuse in Latin America and Africa, on issues ranging from LGBTI rights, to stopping violence against women, to protecting immigrants, and protecting journalists and freedom of expression. Under Kennedy’s leadership, RFK Human Rights has never lost a case. Kennedy has led innumerable delegations to countries across the globe. An effective advocate, domestically, Kennedy has focused on criminal legal reform, immigration, and farm workers. She chaired the Amnesty International USA Leadership Council for 15 years.</p>

<p>Kennedy established the RFK Speak Truth to Power human rights education program, teaching and training the next generation of human rights defenders. Melding history, social emotional learning, and community organizing, the curriculum is now available to over 30 million students, kindergarten through law school. Kennedy is a natural teacher, engaging her audience with fact-based analysis, humor, and inspiration.  </p>

<p>Kennedy is the author of <i>New York Times </i>best-seller <i>Being Catholic Now, as well as Speak Truth to Power: Human Rights Defenders who are Changing our World</i>, and <i>Robert F. Kennedy: Ripples of Hope</i>, in which she explores her father&#39;s influence on issues at the heart of America&#39;s identity.</p>

<p>Kennedy’s presentations encourage individual and corporate participation in conquering social challenges on a large scale and take audiences to the frontlines of human rights advocacy. She delivers powerful personal stories that emphasize the dignity and courage of those who face poverty, domestic violence, sexual slavery, bullying, and other social injustices, and inspires audiences to translate awareness into concrete action. </p>

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International human rights activist, sustainable investment expert, educator, and author

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>The Power of One: Stories of Inspiration from Women on the Cutting-Edge of Social Change</strong></li><li>Kerry Kennedy addresses the challenges faced by women in today&#39;s world. She shares the compelling, personal stories of women who have faced poverty, domestic violence, sexual slavery, honor killings, and more and done so with dignity and courage. Kennedy&#39;s stories are not about repression, but resistance. Her uplifting remarks and stirring style illuminate the capacity of the human spirit to triumph even in the face of overwhelming odds.</li><li><strong>Speak Truth to Power</strong></li><li>Human rights speaker Kerry Kennedy&#39;s pioneering work has paved new roads in the areas of equal justice and the preservation of the rule of law. Her activism has brought the frequency and breadth of human rights violations to light and illustrates how awareness must be turned into actions. In her presentation, Kennedy embraces this challenge by sharing her experiences and calling attention both to human rights abuses and to the courageous defenders struggling against them in every corner of the globe. </li><li><strong>Sustainable Investing and the Benefits to Corporate America</strong></li><li>As the chair of the RFK Compass Investor Conference—considered the premier conference in the investment industry on sustainable investments—and an Advisory Board member of the Columbia Centre on Sustainable Investment, Kerry Kennedy is at the forefront of helping businesses combine corporate responsibility with societal responsibility. She highlights the growing trend in investments that consider the company’s environmental, human rights, and governance records, and what this trend can mean to business shareholders in all industries. Kennedy illustrates the value of research and policy analysis as she encourages an approach that benefits both society and the corporate bottom line.</li><li><strong>Mass Incarceration: Righting the Wrong and Moving Forward</strong></li><li>America has a broken criminal justice system. The mass incarceration of poor black and brown people is evidence of that. Through her work as President of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, Kerry Kennedy is opening dialogue about institutionalized racial privilege and disadvantage, and failures in the labor market. She addresses how a discriminatory and demeaning bail system turns poverty into a crime, simply because a person cannot afford the ransom price of their own freedom. Ms. Kennedy offers insightful, instructive perspective on how we as a community can rise above a system that imprisons a large proportion of a population.</li></ul>

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<p><b>International human rights activist, sustainable investment expert, educator, and author</b></p>
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<p>Kerry Kennedy, Campus Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</p>
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